So today is the first day of Insanity Workout for me. I have done it before but ive always quit. NOT this time. NO SIR! I woke up at 6 AM and got it done. Its amazing how much you can get done by waking up a couple of hours early. Im so used to waking up around 830ish which is usually when my son wakes up. Then through out the day im super busy with him [10 month active baby] and only get to workout IF he naps. And sometimes those nap are like 15 mins long!!!! So I will commit myself to waking up at 5:45 a.m. to get my workout in and have my breakfast! Then the rest of the day ill be burning calories with my babybeh, and get in a jump rope session when he naps. NO EXCUSES!! Gotta be healthy and manage your time wisely :)
Blessings to ALL