I joined weight watchers in may of 2012. I was weighing in at around 235 pounds. I had already lost 10 pounds before I started. My goal weight was  set at 160. Oh my gosh that seemed impossible! Day by day I changed my eating habits, less fat less carbs and started to eat some veggies. The weight was slowly coming off but very slow..

So one day I decided to I was going to go jogging..I laugh thinking back on that day now. My 14 year old daughter decided to go with me we started out and got about one tenth of a mile and I had to stop.. I COULD NOT breath! She was yelling at me "mom why are you stopping keep going" but I could not...needless to say I was not ready to give up. I would try to go a little further every day and when I made it a full half mile without stopping, I stood there and sobbed. I had just jogged a half mile at 47 years old. Never did I think I would be able to do that. Then I had this great idea I was going to sign up for a 5k..I signed up for the Johnny Cake jog. Was really excited thought if I could at least jog a mile them I could walk the other two. About a week before the race while reading the paper I realized my 5k was NOT a 5k I had actually signed up for a 5 mile run. I thought about dropping out but that would only make me a failure so thought all I can do is try..I went out that day thinking if I can at least do a mile and a half and walk the rest thats okay. My goal was to finish in under an hour and a half. Well I ended up jogging over 3 miles and only walking 2 and finishe in 1 hour 4 minutes!! Well after that I got the bug!! Signed up for numerous 5 k's and I also signed up for a total of three half marathons. Finished my first half marathon in 3 hours..not bad for a 48 year old over weight lady who could not even jog a tenth of a mile just a few months prior..I was doing great, I even signed up for the Johnny cake the next year and jogged all 5 miles and finished in well under an hour. Made goal at weight watchers and was on top of the world...I signed up for a group that matches you with disabled kids/adults and you run for them. I was matched with a little girl named ArwenIRun4 Arwen..everything was going good but I was getting busy slowing down, not running as much...

THEN it happened...LIFE..I wasnt jogging or paying attention to what I was eating..I slowly went from 160 to 165 then 174 but convinced myself it was okayI would jog a mile ore two for Arwen but nothing like I used to..It was only a few pounds..then it happened 197..oh my gosh not again!!! well started wogging again and watching what I was eating...now at 185 I will never go back up again..I remember how good I felt jogging/running..being healthy..I do not like being heavy, out of breath struggling for three miles again...So just signed up for a few 5k's and My first half marathon for the year.....I GOT this!! It is all in the head.. I will get back to where I was and I loved running!! Why I stopped I do not know...SO back to jogging/running and back on track!!!IRun4 Arwen and me!!!!

4.5 miles today!! Yay for me and Arwen!