This is a short one because it is so easy!
I've been seeing a buzzfeed video about three-ingredient banana pancakes.
I decided that I had to give it a try.
The only modification I made was to use egg beaters instead of whole eggs.
The results were varying, and nowhere near as pretty as the video.
After making these three times, I've got a few tricks worked out to make them slightly easier.
1. The pancakes stick LIKE CRAZY! I spray the pan with pam, and when I scoop up the half-cooked cake to flip it, I spray the pan again before depositing the raw side down.
2. The smaller the better. These pancakes are pretty delicate and hard to flip, so I make them pretty small, maybe 2-3 inches in diameter, at most.
3. The thinner the better. Because the banana doesn't really cook like flour and egg, the middle is going to be gooey and make it difficult to remove the pancake from the pan. When I first pour the batter in the pan, I spread out the batter to make the cake pretty thin. Once you flip it, the steam really puffs them up like regular pancakes. Plus, these are never going to be fluffy like regular pancakes anyway, so don't worry about flattening them slightly.
I add a tablespoon of all natural peanut butter on top, a half a tablespoon of honey, and whatever fresh fruit I have in my fridge.
Banana - approximately 130g - 113 calories
Egg beaters - 1/2 cup (92g) - 50 calories
All natural peanut butter - 1 tbsp - 100 calories (PB2 makes a nice low calorie alternative)
Honey - 1/2 tbsp - 30 calories
Raspberries - 1/4 cup (50g) - 10 calories
Cinnamon - 1 tsp
For a grand total of approximately 300 calories, this delicious and filling breakfast can be yours!