At this point I would normally be selecting my next Kickstarter.
However this last victory was hard.
I lost ground due to an injury, an injury which I did not give enough time to heal properly.
My momentum was blown and the scale starting rewinding.
Ignoring all prior advice and forewarning I panicked and dug deep to loose weight in ways which, let's just say, were neither healthy nor sustainable.
It's just a game, right?
Taking my own advice I'm stepping back for now until I can once again play DietBet more responsibly.
I was looking forward to playing Bri's 2nd hosted DietBet, which is a shame because in her first one I lost a lot of weight with her inspiration.
Winning 8 Kickstarters spanning over 3 months was daunting. I was rewarded not just with money but with weight loss exceeding 12% of my initial body weight. Continually loosing 4% of one's body weight consecutively month to month is extremely tough and is not something which can continue forever.
Jen Widerstrom's challenge will end in 10 days after which I'll not be doing Kickstarters until fully recovered and in a healthier state to loose weight sensibly and have fun doing so.
I'm still in two Transformers, one I've already reached my goal weight with
4 months to go, the 2nd one I'll need to loose another 3% but over three months.
I'm not near my overall goal weight, no where close, so I'll be back sooner or later. I'll miss everyone whose own personal journey has intersected with mine. Until then continue to fight for your goals, and toss up the DB gang sign in your photos. I'll be looking for them out there.