So I've had a pretty good loss.   I'm working out, sore, but feeling better and more energy.  I've stayed on plan with my eating. I'm in a good place so of course I hit my first bump.  A friend asks me to hang out for dinner and drinks.  Yes, high fat foods and drinks is exactly what I need right now.


I usually avoid these things, but it just makes it harder the longer I push it  off.  I end up in a binge when I finally go out.  So I made a plan.  I just happened that hangout day and workout day were on the same day, and I did a harder workout that usual (t 25 alpha total body circuit)  Breakfast and Lunch were on plan.  By the time dinner rolled around I wanted to eat my foot.  More on that later.


Anyway, decided I would have one glass of wine and I nursed that for 2 hours and then switched to water.I think its a mental thing, but sitting around sipping water while everyone else is drinking is kinda the wine helped. 

I'm low carbing so I avoided anything with rice, pasta or potatoe.  By the end I was full by ok, not stuffed.  My only issue was because I was so hungry before I got there I went hard on the free chips and salsa.  Blah.  Dinner was a steak quesadilla. No rice or anything else.  I thought about getting a salad but just couldn't do it.  It wasn't temptation, just burnt out on salad

I got up this morning to having only gained a tenth of a pound (368.9 to 369).  Stupidly happy.  To address the hunger from working out. I bought a plant based (with low carbs) protein shake.  So next time I'll drink that before I head out.


This doesn't mean I'll be driniking and eating out regularly.  I still have alot of places I can't go, but it was a bump.  I dealt with it and managed to get over it, which is the important thing.


yay me