This photo was the first time I had ever done a comparison photo, I've always avoided them because I'm not even halfway to my goal weight yet. But as I get closer to hitting the almost 50lb lost mark from my highest weight of over 300lb, I decided that was worth acknowledging. Even if I'm not at my goal weight yet, I figure it's okay to still be proud of the work so far. Because going from having to start buying size 30 jeans, to now being in a size 22 jeans that are getting loose is something to be happy about!!!! :)
I was never over weight as a kid or teen. It wasn't until I had my daughter when I was 18 that things changed. I had been diagnosed with P.C.O.C, but I never had my weight get out of control, I was even back in my pre-baby jeans within a month. But with in a few months of that my hormones and things with my P.C.O.S seemed to just go crazy. I started losing my hair, I had dark skin pigmentation all over my body, I had bad facial hair grown and felt horrible. Then it got worse, as within a year I put on almost 100lb. That spiralled me down into a depression and I felt like no matter what I did I just always put back on weight. So for the last 10 year I struggled, I tried every diet out there, spent thousands, and did nothing but yo-yo and then put more on. So eventually I gave up and just started eating anything and everything, and I put on another 50+ pound. In the end I know I was over 300lb, I think around 310+ but it got to a point I was so down I wouldn't get on a scale. The picture on the left is taken at close to my heaviest point. I was so unhappy, and the older I got the more I hated what I had let myself become. Because I have a wonderful daughter who doesn't have the mother she deserves, and a great husband who wants so badly for us to have a baby, as do I. But at my weight and with my P.C.O.S so out of control, there are no options, as I don't even have periods anymore to ovulate. Not to mention how dangerous it can be when carrying a baby while morbidly obese.
So about a year and a half ago now, I finally decided I had enough. I was going to change my life for real and in more than one way. For years I was a vegetarian, but the worse kind. Still eating so much fat laden cheese, and fried food etc. I love animals and I also didn't want to be part of a system that treats animals in the most cruel ways and condemn them to a life of torture and death. So I realised that part of my issue was I was also punishing myself, I wasn't caring for myself because I felt guilty at the way I was living my life. So I made a huge change, I made the steps to make my life not only a healthy one, but I cruelty free one and I have never looked back. That is what had brought to where I am now, even in spite of the fact that due to chronic conditions I have I'm not able to exercise at this point, I have still lost almost 50lb now because of following a high carb low fat vegan diet and I am just so much happier it's amazing. I'm no longer on antidepressants and I feel like I am doing something good with my life now, which has made me care about how I treat my body and what I put in it.
I admit though that I know I could have lost more, but I am still guilty of enjoying more fattening goodies than I should. Trust me vegans have plenty of amazingly fattening sinful delicious food too lol! But even with the splurging more than I should I still have lost weight. But the last few months I have just been maintaining. So I decided that was a sign, a sign that I needed to finally get motivated to be good and really follow through with my high carb low fat life style and get back on track losing, instead of just maintaining. So that is what led me here, to do my very first diet bet!
I'm really looking forward to getting back to losing, and I feel this will be the accountability that I need to start getting on track for eating the way I really want to. I hope that maybe I will also be able to make some like minded friends along the way for motivation. I do still want to loseĀ about 100lb to get back to my original normal weight, so I know I have a log way to go. So if there is anyone else out there that maybe has a lot to lose to, or maybe they are interested in a high carb low fat life style, or anyone else who maybe is vegan or vegan curious, anyone that wants a diet buddy and would like to motivate each other please message me!
I look forward to even more before and after photos with even bigger weight loss numbers by the time this transformation bet is over!