i'm really liking this 10k step thing. it's such a motavator... i have 18 days in a row now. its not a very hard challenge but it does require determination. instead of couch potato after work, i need to go out and complete my steps.
doing this has caused me to do things i normally would not have done, like a long walk on a new trail (new to me) by my house. a Sunday walk around Washington Park. then last Thursday i had to do an errand after work, so I stopped at cheasman park to get the rest of my steps. i had 16 days in a row, i can't miss one now!
i am noticing body changes, more energy, slimmer feeling. i am thinking to increase goal to 12,000 after i reach 31 days.
the weather has been great! i'm looking forward to weather changes when i might be walking in the rain, or mall walking