Welp, as we all embark on this challenge...whether this is your kick off to a lifestyle change for you, or you are just mixing it up with other healthful activities to keep youself in good shape. I thought I'd share a bit about my journey to good health (and the journey never ends...sorry to say). Back at the very tail end of 2010, I was in poor shape--I weighed 250 lbs, and I had horrible abdominal issues--when I would sit too long (sitting for long periods of time is the devil...just sayin) I would get acid reflux so bad, that if I knew I wasn't having a heart attack, I'd think I was having a heart attack. I was sure something was deathly wrong with me--so I put off going to the doc, till the pain was unbearable--welp, after every test under the sun, I was happy to hear I wasn't dying, and they could find nothing wrong with me. They basically prescribed me an antacid. But, I thought there had to be more. And, I asked if losing weight might help? They said "it couldn't hurt"--a ringing endorsement.
So, I formulated a plan, a simple plan, but a plan nonetheless--I'd re-vamp my food intake (throwing out some of the horrible habits/food, implementing some new habits/foods, little by little). And, I started walking--oh, in the beginning, even walking 30 mins was a chore. I was on a mission--I put this plan into motion, and followed it faithfully, I continued to tweak it to make it more effective and/or be something I could stick to. The plan was working--in about 5-6 monts I had lost 70 pounds. I was walking miles upon miles effortlessly. The changes I made with my food intake were now beginning to become so routine...I'd kinda forgotten what I used to eat like (or, would gasp when I did remember..oy!!) All of the symptoms that had sent me to the doctor had disappeared. How cool was that? I was thinking, it is time to kick this plan up to the next level...I needed to add strength training.
I had been watching Chris Freytag's Motivation Monday clips on the local news for years--but one of the clips really caught my eye (Interval Training)...did some research, and learned she produced DVDs....I purchased a DVD and added interval/strength training to my plan--what a game changer. I continued to lose weight and build strength and endurance. By mid-Winter, I had happened upon an FB group started by Chris Freytag (which still exists) to participate in an Interval Training weight loss challenge--in this group we discuss health & fitness, and many other topics--so much support/encouragement--support is key!!! I continued to lose weight, and added several activities to my "athletic resume"--I started running, I've participated in 70 runs/walks/obstacle/triathlon events in the last 2 1/2 years--my motto was always "I'm just in it to finish it, not win it", but lo & behold, I did win my age group last year at a race--whoever thought I'd be running a 23:30 5K at age 45 (writing it on the calendar...June 8 2013)??
Bottom line is--with the 100ish pound loss (this last 10 pounds that I yo-yo back and forth with is a struggle...but believe me, I don't obsess over it, knowing where I started) I feel better than I have in a long long time. Not so long ago, when I would think maybe I'll try this, it would be good for me, I'd immediately started thinking of things "why I can't do it", now my mindset is "why can't I do it?"...and start figuring out how I will. And, sometimes I find, yes I really can't do it, but at least I tried, and now I know. It definitely hasn't been easy....if it were, everyone would do it. Although, I do wish everyone would do it. Along the way, I've had to keep reminding myself WHY I do this?? I want to really live life, I want to be an active participant (not merely a spectator)...I want to be there for the kids (and it doesn't hurt if it is in a size 8 dress, like last month at my nephew's wedding in the attached pic), and their kids. And, healthful living is good for the body, mind and spirit. Yes, it is work, but anything worth having is worth working for. Good luck to all my fellow DietBetters.....in the words of Chris Freytag "Yes You Can".