I'm not the best person in the world when it comes to sticking to a diet or workout plan. I have great intentions, but maybe one of my problems is that I always feel I need to go at it alone. Right now my life is a little complicated, so finding the time to meet up with someone to workout together seems nearly impossible. And when I do find a friend who wants to workout with me, I tend to deciline, because I feel pathetic about the shape I'm currently in and am too embarrassed. It all seems very silly when you sit down to thnk about it.
On the diet side, I seem to be having much better luck. I started eating a predominately paleo diet about 17 months ago and find the results very helpful. Not just in weight loss but in how I feel physically. I have more energy, more mental focus, I sleep better at night, my bad cholestrial went down, I seem to heal more quickly from workouts or injuries, and my digetstive system works better. Oh, and I know this may seem minor, but for the first time in my life, I consistently have long nails. Trust me, for me, that is a first. And yes, I do believe the AdvoCare suppliments I take certainly help.
I'm doing this DietBet for fun and to encourage me to focus more on my weighloss and exercise goals. And yes, I've invited a few friends to join me. Not because I think they need to lose weight, but because its nice to have someone with you for the ride. I leave it up to them if they want to join or not. But if not, I could always use the encouragement as I take this ride. Lets face it....50 is just around the corneer, and I'm not one who is willing to grow old gracefully.