
Health, better personal image,

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: Chicken

Favorite Sinful Food: Red wine

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Riding horses

My Approach to Weight Loss: Need a challenge and goals

My Weight Loss Program: Xyngular

My Diet Plan: Paleo Diet

Fitness Devices: I don't use a device

DietBet Winnings: $682.47

Recent Photos

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
+0.2% Since last weigh-in
+0.4% 1-Month Change
-4.6% Lifetime Change

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08/29/2024 4:41AM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! AUGUST 1st GAME!
Did not make my goal but down two pounds. My brother-in-law passed away this month, hard to stay focused. Long term goal, conclusion —- I am still moving towards. Thanks Diet Bet. You help.

Fanega , Ginger C and like this comment.

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rebecca w.

I hope your family is doing okay.:pray:

You are right about moving forward— down two pounds is still DOWN. You are a winner in my book!

Rhonda H.

Sorry to hear about your loss, but every pound counts. Be proud of yourself!

Corrie H.

08/09/2024 6:07AM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! AUGUST 1st GAME!
Lost 2.8lbs this week! I'm feeling much less bloated and in control again!!!

Tanya O. , Jennifer H. and like this comment.

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Way to go!

Jennifer H.

Yay!! Way to go!

Haylee L.

08/06/2024 10:58PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! AUGUST 1st GAME!
  • Made a big batch of Pozole (a mexican soup/stew made with pork shoulder and hominy) and am pleased to discover that it's perfect "diet food" because you traditionally add a bunch of garnishes like shredded cabbage, onion, cilantro, and radishes, which really bulks up the volume! I keep adding more garnish and it feels like a never-ending soup bowl, haha. I'm a volume eater, what can I say?

Sparkle , Kristine M. and like this photo.


I love Pozole! Yum

Jenn and Kandice

08/03/2024 11:03PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! AUGUST 1st GAME!
  • It's time for the 2nd Challenge: The Fitness Challenge

    The challenge: Get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day, 5 days this week. You can do anything you want, as long as you're moving........ You can break it up into segments if you need to.

    **At the end of the week I will ask you to comment under a post I will have pinned at the top of the game page here. You will need to click on (comment) below that post and report in there. You will have until Saturday 10:00 PM Pacific Time to report in. The drawing for $20 bonus cash will be shortly after that.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Let's have an awesome week!

Dea P. , SinDebauchery and like this photo.

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Dea P.

Weight training 4 x’s weekly, Pickleball 3 x’s a week and trying to fit in a 30 minute walk daily…Monday didn’t work so well, it was a travel day, but otherwise, got back at it Tuesday :muscle:

Marissa B.

I've walked my dog every day this week, despite the rainy week we've had!

Launora S.

08/02/2024 2:26AM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! AUGUST 1st GAME!
Hello everyone! :)
My name is Launora and I'm from Berlin, Germany. I'm currently studying for a Master's degree in Art and German to become a teacher and I also work in an office...all very sedentary jobs.
I started using Stepbet to motivate myself to exercise a bit more and came across Dietbet. This is my very first Dietbet and I'm very happy to be part of it and to be fully motivated to get started. I've seen that some of you are already real experts! Maybe you have some tips for the newbies among us.

On the subject of the water challenge: What are your tips and tricks for drinking more in everyday life?

Julia W. , Dea P. and like this comment.

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Dea P.

I’m with Jenni M, I love adding cucumber, lemon and berries into my water…so refreshing :yum:

Julia W.

Hallo, Hallo!
I'm a German teacher in the US!

Jenn and Kandice

08/01/2024 11:17PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! AUGUST 1st GAME!
  • We are off to a great start!!!

    Friday is the last day of our Water Challenge! Please click on (comment) under this post if you complete the challenge and report in there! You have until Saturday 10:00 PM Pacific Time to report in. We will have our drawing shortly after that for the $10 cash prize!

    *Challenge reminder: Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day, Thursday and Friday!

Dea P. , Christina M. and like this photo.

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Jenni M

Challenge completed :D

Morgan A.


Alison K.

08/01/2024 4:47PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! AUGUST 1st GAME!
Hi all, 38 year old, living in Huntsville Alabama! Coming off my first diet bet for a while and want to keep the momentum going!! I’m using good at the first one but have a hard time keeping up the same weight loss.

I have been following the “Fast like a Girl”, book, cycling different length fasts in time with where I am in my monthly cycle. I had great success with it last month, and want to focus on getting some of the food elements in this month. It’s about either promoting your estrogen or progesterone depending on where you are in your cycle, in addition to the fasting periods.

Trying to break through my 180 lbs plateau I always seem to hit!

Dea P. , SinDebauchery and like this comment.

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Julia W.

Not me reading this the 1st time thinking you were talking about :bike: biking. :joy:
Very interesting idea- I'm adding the book to my library hold!

Dea P.

I love this book! The 30 day reset is a game changer…


08/01/2024 5:56AM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 4th GAME!
I did not lose much this round, but maintained my weight during two weeks of vacation. Headed to another round as although not a success this round I did stay on track and maintained. Thanks all for a great month.

Ginger C , Jenn and Kandice and like this comment.

Jenn and Kandice

07/31/2024 11:40PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! AUGUST 1st GAME!
  • Welcome everyone, I'm so happy you're here! My name is Jenn, I'll be your host! Kandice is my sister and co-host.

    I like to do weekly challenges as part of our game, it helps to keep the game more interactive and motivating. You don't have to be a member to win a weekly challenge. (Optional of course)

    The first challenge is: The Water Challenge!

    Here is the challenge if you want to participate:
    Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day, Thursday and Friday! (August 1st and August 2nd)

    Starting on Friday there will be a post here, at the top of the game feed, for you to comment under if you completed the challenge. The deadline to report in is Saturday 10:00 PM Pacific Time. The prize drawing will be held on Saturday shortly after that, for the $10 cash prize. Each week the prize amount goes up!

    And one suggestion, but not part of the challenge: Please introduce yourself and share your goals! Let us know where you are on your weight loss/fitness journey, and what your short/long term goals are! Just for fun let us know where you are from. I live in Utah.

    Let's get going!!!

SinDebauchery , Sparkle and like this photo.

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Megan M

Megan from Western NY… just back from a cruise where I ate and drank just about everything on the ship. Need a little dietbet accountability to help me be successful! 



Jenn and Kandice

07/27/2024 10:17PM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 4th GAME!
  • How have the last few weeks been for you? Are there any adjustments you need to make to hit your long term goals?

ElainaD , Juanita G. , Jamie V. , Fanega and Ginger C like this photo.

Juanita G.

Definitely loved all the challenges and the prizes aided in motivation. Ty


Great hosting job.
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