Non-scale victory of the week!
workout up to 4 hours a day twice a week and at least 30 minutes every day...except two
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
I think I need to manage sodium intake a little better and get back to some form of intermittent fasting. I've also been focusing on muscle as opposed to just get loss. I want more muscle mass to help kick up my metabolism as I'm resting. I might integrate HIIT as I have seen more results with that. I've really honed in in exercise because I want to eat and not count and fret over every calorie.
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
Daniels fast. I need to focus on things that need to get done and errands and spend time doing that than the gym sometimes. I need more financial stability as I don't know what's going on with work and day care. I need to get other aspects of life on track. the balance has been tipping more for fitness.
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