Hi...I see your lifetime change of weight loss..and first of all...wow...wow..and WOW...that is simply amazing *smile..I read your post about being sad about gaining weight...and you are going to shrug it off..but then you made the comment about wanting to cry...I have been there...many of us have. We have a tendency to beat ourselves up and tell ourselves we are failures when in face we only messed up and it isn't something that is not fixable..IT IS!!!!! You have already proven that you can do it. You have proven it by signing up AGAIN. Sooo...know..YOU CAN DO IT.You can't change what you already did...only learn and move forward. My tip is to simply make sure all the things that make you fall of the wagon (ice cream? Chocolate?)...you actually add them into your plan so you don't have the cravings or purging going on. But that is what I do..it might not work for you or anyone else. Be kind to yourself. You got this Julie!!!!!!!!!!!