Adele T.

I want to be my healthiest me physically and mentally, once and for all!

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: Steak 🥩

Favorite Sinful Food: Fried Egg Sandwiches

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Weightlifting [[—]]

My Approach to Weight Loss: I’ll be focusing on nutrition: Carnivore and Ketovore

DietBet Winnings: $48.94

Recent Photos

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-0.4% Since last weigh-in-1 lb
-1.1% 1-Month Change-2.6 lbs
-5.2% Lifetime Change-12.4 lbs

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Sep 18, 2024 · 224.6 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

I went back to my Ketovore-Carnivore WOE cold-turkey and I’m doing well!

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

Nothing. I’m feeling better after being sick with Covid for the past two weeks and now I’m back to my whole journey.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Eat low-no carb, hydrate, add-in one protein daily, get good sleep.

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Sep 11, 2024 · 225.6 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

Not sure I have any NSVs this past week. I’ve been sick w Covid and not eating great, relying on “comfort foods”.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

Eat better despite being sick and wanting “comfort foods”.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Get healthier. Sleep well. Hydrate. Increase my protein and fats, lower my carbs.

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Aug 21, 2024 · 227.4 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

I stayed on point with my nutrition!

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

My sleep hasn’t been great d/t nightshift work. Hoping it will be better this week. I will increase my water intake.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Keep eating Carni-Keto. Up my H2O intake. Steer clear of dairy. Add a daily protein shake. Sleep better.

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Aug 13, 2024 · 227.2 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

Looks like my hormones are lining back up! My eyelashes are getting longer! My confidence, body image & mental health has improved.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

I had a few coffees (cream only) during my work weekend of 12h nightshifts. My hip is hurting, again. I need to continue my no-dairy trial.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Start the new Kickstart Challenge to keep the momentum going!!! Stay hydrated. Keep eating Ketovore-Carnivore. Get at least 80% score on my sleep (Fitbit).

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Aug 07, 2024 · 230.4 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

I went to a social event and stayed away from all the carb snacks. I drank my water and enjoyed the company instead.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

I made a new chicken dinner that had cheese in the recipe. I’ve been trialing no dairy in this Challenge. I should have eaten something else. I’m OK but I should have stuck to my trial.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Keep eating Carnivore-Ketovore. Stay hydrated. Limit tea to one daily. Get a minimum 7h of sleep. Love myself!

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Jul 31, 2024 · 231.4 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

My nutrition is on point! I’m getting in some good sleep too. I went clothes shopping and bought shirts in one size smaller! I feel good physically and mentally!

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

I’m good with everything I did this week.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Continue eating Carnivore-Ketovore. Get to bed before midnight. Stay hydrated.

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Jul 23, 2024

Long-term goal weight

145 lbs

What do you find most challenging in reaching your long-term weight loss goals?

I’m an emotional eater. I feel like I’ve been in a high-stress state since my divorce in 2016.

How many days per week do you exercise currently?


How many days per week would you like to exercise?


How would you rate your current diet?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Stay on track with my nutrition. Stay hydrated. Get at least 7 hrs of sleep nightly.

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