Carmey M.

wanting to get healthy for my 6 year old and 9 mo th old twin daughters

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: groubd turkey with mixed veg

Favorite Sinful Food: pepperoni pizza

My Preferred Method of Exercise: dance

My Approach to Weight Loss: calorie deficit and exercise

DietBet Winnings: $48.94

Recent Photos

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-0.2% Since last weigh-in-0.4 lbs
-0.2% 1-Month Change-0.4 lbs
-4.3% Lifetime Change-10 lbs

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Ref Gina

09/16/2024 12:22PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • It’s Monday!

    How was your weekend? We got a taste of fall and I’m not sure I’m ready for the cold.

    Looking back on last week, what were your strengths and what did you struggle with? Give us some inspiration or let us know how we can help.

Lauren P. , Shannon L. , Lissa and Adele T. like this photo.

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Shannon L.

I've been eating really well, but the scale is barely moving. I'm not letting it get me down, though. I'll keep at it and add in more water.

Carmey M.

Went to a bridal shower with like five courses and definitely overindulged. I do rather well during the week at work but then weekends are surely my struggle.

Adele T.

09/16/2024 12:09PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Hello all! This is my 3rd consecutive challenge. My plan is to keep doing these 4-week ones until I reach my goal range (145-160 lbs). This might take until beginning of next year as I am around 225 lbs right now… I’m down 12 lbs since July. Woohoo! First challenge I won! The second one… I started strong then finished not so great. Ended up sick with Covid on Sep 3, one week before the end of the challenge. Nausea was awful so I ate lots of toast, soup, crackers, pudding, etc. Not what I would normally eat. :( I was so sick, I forgot to do the final weigh-in. Yikes. Definitely lost that challenge. Oh well. I am finally feeling better. Today is Day 1 of eating properly (aka Ketovore-Carnivore). I’m planning on finishing STRONG!!! Let’s do this!!!

Morgan O. , Carmey M. , Shannon L. , Ref Gina and Lissa like this comment.

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Carmey M.

Hey Adele. I remember you from two challenges ago. I was able to get down to 218 and some bad habits and choice making for one week and I'm back up to 225. What the hell. So easy to gain for me. This challenge I have to get down to 214 in order to win. So I figure we still have about 3 weeks to accomplish that going to try to go as strong as possible. I like your thought process of trying to keep doing challenges back to back to get down to your goalie that's awesome and I sure hope you get there. You got this!

Adele T.

Carmey!!! You’ve got this!!!

Carmey M.

09/11/2024 5:38AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Okay my dietbet teammates...just curious. There are 256 members, the pot is $ 10,740. IF we all were to lose the 4% of our body weight how much would that mean we each get at the end of the four weeks?

Christa C. , Ref Gina , Lissa , Shannon L. and Nazzy like this comment.

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Shannon L.

They generally take 25% off the top and split the rest, but winners won't get back less than what was paid in.

Ref Gina

If everyone wins, you'll get your initial bet back.


09/08/2024 3:47PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Hi , I just joined .. haven't done a diet bet for over a year .. think it's time to try to implement some life changing decesions to help lose weight and over all health ..
    I have four kids , (12,9,3 yrs olds,& 20mo)
    I'm a stay at home mom..which I feel makes it harder for me to keep to a strict eating schedule. Work ur forced to wait for breaks to snack or eat lunch ,at home I can graze and snack between meals more frequently.
    I work out 3-5days a week depending on my husbands schedule and kids schedules..
    I need help with accountability and motivation to stick to it.

Adele T. , Shannon L. and like this photo.

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This life is such a journey... We can struggle, with so many things but finding the core to these issues is key.. I'm trying to figure out my inner demons, to help release the impactful hold it has on my eating habits.. emotional eating , boredom eating, or sometimes the opposite stressed out and not eating nothing at all .. find balance :heart:

Shannon L.

I work from home a lot of the time. When working outside of the home, it's challenging to not choose the easy fast food, generally not healthy. I think it is hard for everyone who struggles with emotional eating, regardless of work status. We all have to own up to our challenges and make the best choices, whatever situation we are in.


08/13/2024 5:24AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Omg - made it just BARELY (by .1 lbs)

Lisa N. , Grace R. and like this comment.

Carmey M.

Well congrats anyway!! I was off by .3 and still won. A win is a win!!

Carmey M.

08/12/2024 4:26AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
Hey guys! So wishing you guys luck on your weigh out days! Also it is my first challenge(started at 233 pounds and to win I was supposed to get down to 224.3.) Without clothes on I was 223.0 BUT i realized that my phone weighs like a pound! Just food for thought there so Im definitely adjusting for that going forward....still made it BUT just barely!

Megan M. , Grace R. and like this comment.

Brooke H.


Laura K.

I used to think the same thing, but then I read someone's tip to first get on the scale without your phone but keep your phone near, so once your weight is stabilized on the scale, quickly pick up your phone and then take the picture. Maybe that will help you in the future somehow!

Carmey M.

07/30/2024 9:33AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Hey guys...this is my first challenge...what DAY do we all actually submit our weights...does it depend what time zone we are in? And how long after until we see if we have won. Thanks!!

Referee Nancy , Betsabet H. and Adele T. like this photo.

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Referee Nancy

Hi there, sorry, I have covid so have been laying low, thankfully starting to feel much better today! Yes, the final weigh-in period is August 12-13 in Pacific Time. And yes, you'll get an email, and notifications about it.

Winnings are typically announced the next day, so for this game, August 14 PT. :)

You've got this!

Carmey M.

Thanks all!! I hope I win so I can rollover those funds into another diet bet! Hope you all have a great weekend!

Adele T.

07/29/2024 3:37PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Oven-baked Chicken Wings… it’s what’s for dinner tonight! Mmmmm! I chose the following flavours: BBQ Chicken, Maple Bacon and Chipotle Mango (my fav!). What are you all having for dinner tonight? Post a pic below. #carnivore-ketovore

Referee Nancy , Betsabet H. and Grace R. like this photo.

Carmey M.

I LOVE wings but they are always fried when out and about. Your baked wings look JUST as good!

Adele T.

07/27/2024 1:01PM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Date night with hubby last night. Went to see Deadpool 3. Super fun! I stopped at the corner store and bought a G2 (less sugar than pop/soda) and one chocolate bar. At the movies, I grabbed a large popcorn with butter. I ended up only eating half the bag and drinking the G2. I didn’t eat the chocolate. In the past, I would have eaten the entire bag of popcorn plus 2-3 bars of chocolate and large pop/soda. Yay me!!! Small changes add up!

Gabriella D. , Betsabet H. and like this photo.

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Carmey M.

Way to go!!

Brayden R.

Yes!!!!! Way to go!!!!! Making moves.

Referee Nancy

07/22/2024 3:00AM in The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus!
  • Happy Monday! Here we are in week two already!

    We all start these games highly motivated, and hopefully you're still in that mindset. Motivation is likely to wane eventually, so don't be surprised if this happens to you. This is where good habits are key! When we develop good habits, then healthy choices become our default.

    It's also encouraging to have little victories that spark your motivation from time to time. Weight loss is definitely one of those, but the scale doesn't always cooperate, so keep an eye out for those NSV's (non-scale victories). For example, walking away from temptation, fitting into smaller clothes, working out when you really didn't want to, accomplishing your water goal for x many days, etc. Celebrate those successes along the way and be proud of yourself!

    What healthy habits are you working on developing? Do you have any NSV's to share?

Brayden R. , Tina H. and like this photo.

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Kenzy A.

my average fasting length has increased by over an hour! im getting better at not immediately responding to my 'hunger' cues.

Sheryl W.

Fasting and using mindfulness when I eat
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