Brianna G.

Wanting to get back to healthier habits. also TTC next year, so losing some weight will help with that

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: The Big Salad

Favorite Sinful Food: Icecream

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Weightlifting, yoga

My Approach to Weight Loss: Balance and moderation

DietBet Winnings: $105.66

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TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
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-0.6% Since last weigh-in
-0.6% 1-Month Change
-4.1% Lifetime Change

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Brianna G.

08/20/2024 4:27PM in HUNDREDS in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 24th GAME!
  • Last meal before tomorrow’s weigh-in: a turkey burger bowl! Great work everyone, and good luck 😌

Annie W. , Julee N. and like this photo.

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Jakki M.

What did you use for the sauce?

Brianna G.

It’s G Hughes burger sauce mixed with some pickle juice and mustard :blush:

Carolyne B.

08/11/2024 9:39AM in HUNDREDS in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 24th GAME!
Bad food and beverage choices last night are fueling my workout desire today!! When i first got on the scale this morning i was really bummed, but then i thought about it and 1 night of indulging should be just that, not throw me off my path. So, I am off to hike a double loop right now and I can't wait to get there! You'd think I'd feel like sleeping it off but I am actually full of energy and ready to get a burn in thinking about my end game!!

Esther G. , Annie W. and like this comment.

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Dawn T.

Way to go!

Annie W.

That’s right! One good meal can “fuel you up” to give you the strength to finish the game! :thumbsup::tada:

Brianna G.

08/10/2024 5:34PM in HUNDREDS in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 24th GAME!
  • Husband is working tonight and I didn’t have the energy to cook after a busy day. Pulled together this! :)

Kimmy J. , Annie W. and like this photo.

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Dawn T.

Looks good!

Annie W.

Well done! :thumbsup: :tada::star2:

Brianna G.

08/05/2024 11:17AM in HUNDREDS in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 24th GAME!
Going through some things, on top of lady hormones (lol) and I’m trying SO hard not to emotionally eat!! Might make a lighter sweet treat with some sugar free pudding mix and strawberries.

Heather F.

Substitutions are a great idea! I struggle with emotional eating too.

Brianna G.

07/28/2024 10:04AM in HUNDREDS in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 24th GAME!
  • A hard thing for me to do when I first started my health journey was learning to make swaps for myself, while still seeing my husband eat whatever he wants lol. But it’s the small changes that can really add up! We enjoyed breakfast together this morning, but instead of toast, I had a baked banana oat cup, no cheese on my eggs (a drizzle of low sugar ketchup is my fave), center cut bacon which is healthier than regular bacon, and added in some egg whites to the egg scramble for extra volume and protein. :) served with some fruit and coffee. Happy Sunday!

Dawn T.

That looks delicious!

Annie W.

Those little changes will add up to make a BIG difference! :thumbsup::tada::star2:

Brianna G.

07/26/2024 1:48PM in HUNDREDS in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 24th GAME!
  • Post-workout protein smoothie for lunch! Vanilla icecream protein powder, frozen banana, an orange, 2 pineapple spears, and protein almond milk. 32 grams of protein!

Dawn T.

Yum I am going to have to jot this recipe down this looks and sounds delicious

Kimmy J.

07/25/2024 5:57AM in HUNDREDS in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 24th GAME!
Today I'm going to try and make healthy food choices. I really struggle with that.

Dawn T. , Annie W. and like this comment.

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Brianna G.

Do you track what you eat at all? I find it’s a good way for me to be more mindful of what I eat. Fiber (fruits and veggies) are also very filling, and will help make sure you have good digestion, too!

Dawn T.

Same! It is so easy to go for a convenient snack and not always a healthy one.

Brianna G.

07/24/2024 7:35PM in HUNDREDS in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 24th GAME!
Trying to get back to a healthy weight since my hubby and I will be trying to conceive next year! :) What’s your motivation?

Annie W. , Julee N. , Dawn T. and Jenn and Kandice like this comment.

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Annie W.

:pray: Prayers for success in all your endeavours! :thumbsup::tada::baby::clap:

Heather F.

Ooo me too! Gained a lot of weight, not from my last pregnancy, but rather after the baby was born. I still am stress eating nine months later! Babies are so overstimulating.

Edit to add: overstimulating but SO worth it. I want to make sure we can conceive another since we struggled with secondary infertility and I only finally conceived after losing a substantial amount of weight.

Heather F.

07/24/2024 7:23PM in HUNDREDS in BONUS PRIZES! JULY 24th GAME!
Today is my birthday and I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. Looking forward to making changes and having a “lighter” birthday next year!

Annie W. , Dawn T. and like this comment.

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Happy birthday

Dawn T.

Happy belated Birthday :birthday: