Favorite Health Food: broccoli
Favorite Sinful Food: anything
My Preferred Method of Exercise: walking, fasting
My Approach to Weight Loss: aggressive
Apr 1-2 Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes! - Round 3
Franny's February DietBet (Runner-up)
Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes! (106 days to go)
Non-scale victory of the week!
nothing is tempting, no more but I do like eggs and those are a great treat
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
your I could always do better by increasing my workout and eating less
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
this week was very hard in a struggle because I didn't get to exercise cuz the pool was closed due to weather. but I got a chance to go on Friday when it when it cleared up so I feel real good
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
it's always a struggle to fight to keep the bad stuff out of your body. so every weak guy strive to think about what I eat. make sure I'm putting nothing but good stuff in me
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
it was a beautiful week. a wonderful weekend that God is Monday so I can be with the pool again.
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
I did everything I was supposed to do. good habits. will make a good week
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
when you put good habits and systems in place everything just starts to make sense and the way it falls off
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
I am doing everything I am supposed to be doing everyday. I am a new mean and my body is burning fat baby
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
with having good habits built into my system I don't have to have any goals because the fat is just coming off. so in a way we actually do have a goal and then it's just being a healthier version of me and yes I cracked the code. I'm about to show your magic trick
See lessNon-scale victory of the week!
we're going strong this week. getting ready to finish up a 3-day fast and exercising water aerobics is very good for obese people. I find it very soothing
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
everything went fine this week. I'm losing the weight like I'm supposed to and exercising and I'm just carefully selecting what I put inside my body from here on out
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
My goal for the upcoming week is to be at 495
See lessLong-term goal weight
300 lbs
What do you find most challenging in reaching your long-term weight loss goals?
struggling to get out the bed everyday but I can do carpe Diem!
How many days per week do you exercise currently?
How many days per week would you like to exercise?
How would you rate your current diet?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
maintain my exercise. maintain my fasting. maintain momentum. maintain discipline above all else.
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