Sachiko R.

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Thu 13 OctMon 05 FebFri 31 MayTue 22 SepSat 15 JanWed 10 MaySun 01 Sep
194 lbs196 lbs198 lbs200 lbs
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
+1.6% Since last weigh-in+3.2 lbs
0% 1-Month Change0 lbs
-1% Lifetime Change-2 lbs

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04/12/2016 4:48AM
hey girl. I had hit a wall the past 2 weeks and my weight would not budge. I have been on the Keto, lchf diet and its been working, but I was also making some bad dinner choices that was stalling me. so I have started on a 4 day egg fast. If you have IG or FB use the hashtag #Eggfast etc and check it out. on day 1 (yesterday) I was down 1.8lbs. there is a face book group called "egg fast - stall = breaker diet" its a closed group but click add and theres tons of people doing it. its basically eggs and a fat added. for my day 1 yesterday I ate. breakfast- 2 scrambled eggs w/ cheese, I had the same thing for lunch. dinner- I made the "cream cheese egg waffles" and I had popcorn too bc im a fatty. haha. but down 1.8lbs 1st day im not mad lol. totally check it out, may help you make you 4% goal - don't beat yourself up to much :)