TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
GOAL WEIGHT - 145 lbsWed 19 FebThu 12 NovFri 04 AugSat 27 AprSun 17 JanMon 10 OctTue 02 Jul
130 lbs140 lbs150 lbs160 lbs170 lbs180 lbs190 lbs200 lbs210 lbs
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
+12.2% Since last weigh-in+21.6 lbs
0% 1-Month Change0 lbs
+19.3% Lifetime Change+32 lbs

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08/29/2013 8:38PM
Now, you can "Take Back Your Life! " in THREE ways!

Take Back Your Life!
($100 bet; just started on Wed, Aug 28th!!)
The original version. $7900 in the pot… so far :-)

Take Back Your Life! … Jr.
($10 bet; starts on Wed Sep 4th)
Baby Steps version of the original

Take Back Your Life! $55 bet
($55 bet; ALSO starts on Wed Sep 4th)
Mid-size version of the original

Choose your bet size preference,
or combine any of these three games
with each other or with other games like:
Blogilates Sweatember DietBet
TAJ's "It's A Girl" Aug. Blast
99 Problems But Weight Ain't 1
Stylez Dietbet (August)
RunKeeper DietBet Challenge

Come join us... and TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE!!


08/29/2013 5:25AM
Ali...it's great being in the Blogilates Diet Bet with you. Congrats on your recent weight loss of 7.2 lbs. You're rockin it big time!!!

FYI - I'm also hosting a new $20 diet bet, "Fatty No More," which begins after Labor Day on Tues, Sept. 3. As you probably know, you can play in up to 3 games at a time. I've already done and WON 13 diet bets in the last few months. I figure why not get paid multiple times for the same effort!

Fatty No More participants are a motivated group of passionate "losers" who are already having a great time sharing and connecting.

So if you're serious about achieving your weight loss goals and having a blast doing so, would love to have you join us.

Check it out! http://www.dietbetter.com/games/19012