
2020 was not kind to my body. I need changes to change my life for the better. I want to be healthy and I want to LIVE!

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: gluten free vegan organic seed crackers

Favorite Sinful Food: any treat with peanut butter in it

My Preferred Method of Exercise: dancing and tae bo

My Approach to Weight Loss: eating right and exercising

My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program

My Diet Plan: DASH

Fitness/Exercise Apps: I don't use any apps

Fitness Devices: Samsung Galaxy Watch

DietBet Winnings: $567.08

Recent Photos

Friends (2)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-0.2% Since last weigh-in-0.6 lbs
-0.2% 1-Month Change-0.6 lbs
+32.3% Lifetime Change+64.6 lbs

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Nov 04, 2018 · 213.9 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

I didn't eat any Halloween candy or any pizza at the Halloween party!

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

Pick something better at the taco place. I went to a taco place with family and I felt rushed when we were ordering so I ended up ordering something I shouldn't have and I didn't feel the best afterwards. I think I need to look up the menu before going to places.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Look up the menu at various places so I know how to order next time I go out with people.

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Oct 30, 2018 · 216.5 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

All of my clothes just fit so much better on me now.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

I honestly think I did everything right this week. I ate healthy and exercised. I also increased my water intake which helped out tremendously.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Maintain. Just keep doing what I'm doing :)

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Oct 22, 2018 · 220.2 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

I can finally fit into my skinny jeans again! They aren't comfortable but I can at least zip them up and button them now. It's been a really long time since I've been able to do that.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

I've been intermittent fasting but a couple days I didn't do the full 16 hours fast, did like 14 and 15, so I need to be a bit stricter.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Do the full 16 hours fasting every day.

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Oct 19, 2018 · 224.1 lbs

Non-scale victory of the week!

I was able to wear my skinny jeans and it's been years since I've been able to do that.

What do you feel you could have done better this week?

I wish I remembered to ask for no cheese on salad when I went out to lunch. I really didn't think they would have put cheese on a salad for some reason.

How many days did you exercise last week?


How would you rate your diet last week?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Think about things to ask for or not ask for when I go out to eat.

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Oct 15, 2018 · 224.1 lbs

Long-term goal weight

175 lbs

What do you find most challenging in reaching your long-term weight loss goals?

Just maintaining and not giving up when I plateau.

How many days per week do you exercise currently?


How many days per week would you like to exercise?


How would you rate your current diet?


What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Keep doing what I'm doing and don't slip up. What I'm doing appears to be working so I don't want to change anything. I just want to keep doing what I'm already doing.

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