Non-scale victory of the week!
Had to slow way down and ask myself what's up with me.I just haven't been as committed as other games.Then I realized what it was.I call them "hits".Those things in life that knock you down unexpectedly.When the toxic person in my life hurts me or when somedays my son who has Down Syndrome wears me down.I'm usually okay if it's just one or the other but if it's both...nighttime hits and the sugar cravings plus my emotional state..I go to food for comfort.Instead of degrading myself like I use to I treat myself like a friend and understand.
What do you feel you could have done better this week?
Deep breathing and making time for a 30 min walk.
How many days did you exercise last week?
How would you rate your diet last week?
What are your goals for the upcoming week?
To stop dilly dallying around! Remember to have a lot of vegies before my sugar nightime craving start....the veggies do level out my blood sugar enough so the evening time isn't as challenging.
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