Desirae's Story

Lost 55 lbs

Won $935

"DietBet makes sure everyone wins if they meet their goal"

My entire life my mother has been obese.  My fear of being as large as my mother brought on anorexia. My obsession weight loss diminished when I left home. I typically give credit to my first love for making me feel more comfortable with my body. It wasn’t till I started my first office job that I started gaining an unhealthy amount of weight. My weight went up to 215lbs in less than 2 years.  It wasn’t till I started a new relationship that I started caring and worrying about my body image. I hated every full body photo I saw of myself. Toward the end of our relationship we landed an audition for a weight loss couples show. The production paid for a personal trainer, nutritionist and therapist to help with our weight loss. I went from 220lbs to 170lbs in 6 months.

It wasn’t long before I had gained all the weight I lost plus more. I got up to 220lbs in less than a year. For a year I tried different fad diet pills and going to the gym sporadically. Nothing was working and I was bigger than I had ever been.  In 2013 a friend told me about DietBet.  I joined my first DietBet and started my journey. 

Even with the stress of a break up and moving I’ve lost 50lbs with DietBet! I went from 220lbs to 170lb in two consecutive 6-month competitions.  I’m very thankful for your program it has made my life a great deal happier. I hope to reach my ultimate goal with DietBet’s help.

The motivation of money was a huge factor. Money can be extremely motivating.  Sometimes weight loss competitions with money, as a prize can be defeating or stressful if you don’t lose the most, but not DietBet. DietBet makes sure everyone wins if they meet their goal, which adds to the motivation and takes away the stress. I gain money if I reach my goal doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing.  Weight loss + Money gain that’s a win win in my book.

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