Lindsay's Story

Lost 55 lbs

Won $591

"DietBet worked for me because it made me stay accountable."

I started gradually gaining weight when I went to college at 18 and reached my largest two years later.  At my largest I weighed 220lbs, and had tons of bad side effects from being obese, plantar fasciitis, trouble breathing while sleeping, and overall was just physically tired. I have yo-yoed with my weight in the past but could never keep it off. 

I decided last spring to stop making excuses and decided to join a personal trainer and DietBet.  I’ve since lost 70lbs and am planning on losing 10-20lbs more. I am currently at 150lbs, which is my high school weight!  I never thought I'd be able to lose 10% body weight in 6 months and ended up losing even more then that! 

I decided to start using DietBet because I know the one thing that motivates me, money.  I've always been frugal with money and hate wasting it.  I decided that if I had money riding on my weight loss I wouldn't have an excuse to not try the best I could.  It was a motivation that I needed.  DietBet worked for me because it made me stay accountable.  I knew that if I lost the weight at the very least I'd make my money back, but I also had the chance to make even more money for just losing weight.  

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Lose 10% in 6 months.

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