Trista's Story

Lost 69 lbs

Won $1,240

"I was sick of being embarrassed of myself and hiding from everyone."

All of my life I have been an athlete.  After College I was no longer involved in any sports and I found myself gaining weight.  I then refocused and got back into the gym.  I lost the 40 pounds I had gained.    In 2000 I had a pituitary tumor removed and was placed on prednisone after the surgery.  I rapidly gained a lot of weight.  Within a few months I had gained approximately 60 pounds.  I thought I would take it off once I have recovered.  When I recovered I had gained over 70 pounds. 

In 2003 I got married and less than a month later was pregnant with my daughter.  I added another 20 pounds after her birth.  Three years later I had my son, which also packed on an additional 20 pounds.  I found myself with this wonderful new family and over 100 pounds overweight.  I was so upset with myself.  I could not believe I had let this happen.  I submerged myself into being the best Mom I could.  I promised myself I would lose the weight before my kids were old enough to know their Mom was morbidly obese.  I did not want my weight to affect my kids negatively.  I didn’t want them teased because of me.  Before I knew it they were starting school and I had not lost a pound.  I had tried everything. 

On January 1st 2014 I finally had enough.  I told my husband I was sick of being embarrassed of myself and hiding from everyone.  That is when I found DietBet.  I was reluctant at first.  I researched it and believed it to be a safe site.  Little did I know this was the day I began living again.  I was instantly hooked.  The people on the boards are so motivating and encouraging.  I found myself completely taken in by it.  I learned that I am extremely motivated to not lose money, even more than winning money.  DietBet is the best platform because you are betting on yourself.  It is all up to you.  I was hooked immediately and began to play more than 1 game at a time.  DietBet has been a huge motivator to my weight loss success. Meeting other players who have the same goals and drive that I have has been instrumental in my weight loss journey.  I have lost over 70 pounds to date and plan to lose another 30 pounds with the help and encouragement of DietBet.

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