Teresa's Story

Lost 60 lbs

Won $1,963

"…the thought of being a part of each player’s journey is heartwarming and encouraging."

It seemed as if I had woken up one day, looked in the mirror and did not know the person looking back at me.  I was horrified. The scale showed the highest weight I had ever seen at 252 pounds I was depressed, sick and feeling as if I had hit bottom ground. I decided to get serious, not about losing weight, but about changing my life forever and getting healthy. I sought out fitness expert Jillian Michaels to help me begin my journey.  I joined Jillian’s online website which helped me to gain the knowledge I needed to begin logging my food, exercising daily, shopping organic and eating clean.

Jillian invited me to join a DietBet she was hosting.  Initially, I thought there was no way I would bet money to lose weight. I visited the website and decided to give it a try: just once.  Well, here I am 10 months later and ready to sign up for my next bet!

DietBet has given me the motivation and accountability to continue on this long road, most importantly, it has connected me with people who feel the same as I do and are going through the same battles I am. We become family. It is funny how DietBet has brought out the competitor in me.  This is definitely a bet I will not lose.  I love the quote that everyone uses at the end of a game-we are all winners because, even if we haven’t made our goal, we still lost! 

I will absolutely continue to recommend DietBet to anyone.  It is a fun way to lose weight.  I believe it is the accountability that keeps me the most motivated throughout each game and the thought of being a part of each player’s journey is heartwarming and encouraging.

Although I have not yet reached my goal weight, I am in the best shape of my life, weigh 139 pounds and wear size 4 jeans.  It will be great to know that even after I reach my goal weight DietBet will be there to help keep me in a healthy weight range.

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