Jennifer's Story

Lost 176 lbs

Won $1,772

"It’s nice to know you’re not alone on this journey."

I am married to a wonderful and very supportive husband for over 5 years and we are planning on expanding our family through adoption. When I first saw DietBet I liked the idea of being rewarded for hard work.  And what better motivation is there than cold, hard cash?

DietBet has worked really well for me because the competitive side in me really likes to win money.  The nice part of DietBet is that you aren’t rooting for other people to lose just so you can win.  There can be as many winners as entered the game.  Sure, you get a smaller split of the pot but still, there is a nice sense of community along with you, working towards the same goal you are.  

I think the other thing that really works is that there are games going all the time.  As soon as I end one game, I’m already into another one! The constant pressure of having money on the line is super motivating!

I like the people that I’ve met along the way.  We are all trying to get healthier and lose weight so you already have something in common.  It’s nice to know you’re not alone on this journey.  I have made some very good friends along the way. I am very thankful for that!

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