Kati's Story

Lost 98 lbs

Won $626

"It’s not just about me moving, but influencing my kids to be active too"

I grew up as the fat kid, became the fat teen and continued on as a fat adult. I didn't have any health issues so wasn't too worried about it, although of course I didn't want to be fat. But when you don't have healthy influences and become comfortable with the extra weight, it's hard to be anything else. After having my first child I realized this wasn't a good example I was setting for my son and wanted to be better. Then I had twins and blew up like a blimp. Suddenly I was experiencing a lot of pain, extended recovery time, mobility problems and just wasn't able to do a lot of things. I was in physical therapy trying to get myself to a place where I could function normally again. The weight was not helping the endeavor. In January of 2014, I got on the scale and maxed it out. I weighed in at 325 pounds. That was the absolute highest of my adult life. I was uncomfortable in my own skin, avoided being in pictures, and couldn't keep up with my 3 kids. Diabetes and heart disease were my top two concerns.  With all these things floating in my mind, it was time to really get myself under control, get the weight off, and be a good and healthy example for my kids.

I joined DietBet because a friend was hosting a game and looking for players. I figured it was as good a place as any to start my journey and maybe the money would help keep me motivated. I started slow to make sure I didn't hurt myself with any exercise. I joined an exercise group specifically for moms with young kids, which helped a lot. This was crucial for me in the beginning because of the pain issues I was having.  Knowing there were ways to exercise that wouldn't hurt kept me going back. We started making time for family walks and bike rides. I have a daily dance party with my little ones as we make breakfast and start our day.  It’s not just about me moving, but influencing my kids to be active too.

I started experimenting with healthy eating. I don't believe in diets. I have chosen lifestyle changes for my family and myself to encourage life long healthy choices. It is all about balance. I'm still experimenting and mixing things up, but I know my family is now getting the best nutrition I can possibly provide for them.  

I think DietBet worked because of the community support and encouragement every player receives. It is amazing how much more motivated you are when everyone is cheering you on and on your side. The money doesn't hurt either.  I don't like to lose or lose money. Knowing it was on the line kept me moving. The people I have met through the games have to be the best part.  I have made some great friends from all over the country.  I have never encountered a single negative player and everyone is genuinely on your side, happy for your successes and sympathetic of any set backs.  We all have the same goals and want everyone to get there. 

Amazingly, I have succeeded. I've now lost 100 pounds!  I'm not sure I believed I would do it, but I have.  With an amazing amount of willpower, determination and a little stubbornness, I have done it. I can now jog next to my son on his bike. I can wrestle on the floor with my little ones and get up again without using furniture to lean on. I can move without pain. There have been many ups and downs, but I refuse to give up. I have more to lose, so my journey is not over.   I WILL reach my final goal weight.  I wake up each morning to the sound of the 3 most important reasons any mother could have to make the right choices. I can only hope that seeing my battle with obesity and the work I am putting into getting healthy influences my children and their future choices.  I will win this battle for me and for them.

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