Cara's Story

Lost 43 lbs

Won $616

"I no longer avoid mirrors like the plague. I stand in front of them and check myself out."

I'm a stay at home mom to two preschoolers. Before starting DietBet, I was in okay but not great shape. I have scoliosis and, as a child, most of my back was fused. The doctors always said I'd end up with arthritis when I got older. I just didn't realize 'older' meant early to mid-thirties. The stiffness, soreness, and spasms in my back had really been getting me down and then when my daughter climbed onto my lap and the roll of fat at my waist got pinched between her and my belt, I decided enough was enough.

I saw something on Facebook about a Jillian Michael's DietBet and was intrigued. I looked at the website and thought, “I’ve spent more money on stupider stuff. Might as well give it a try." Little did I know at the time, it was probably the best $35 I've ever spent. In the past I tried an every other day diet where one day, you'd eat normally and the next you could only have fresh veggies and a little fruit. You were basically fasting every other day. It worked. I lost weight. However, it was not sustainable and I ended up gaining it all back and then some. After that, I always said I knew what I had to do to lose the weight, I just hadn't hit bottom yet. It wasn't until a few months into losing weight that I realized where that thought was rooted. It was grounded in fear. I was afraid to try again. I was afraid to fail. I was afraid of being alone in my failure. 

Since I joined DietBet six months ago, I've lost 40 pounds and gotten into the best shape of my life. I participated in the American Lung Association's Fight for Air Climb (93 flights of stairs), which I never thought I'd ever be able to do and did well. I've recently started running. I never, ever pictured myself as a runner. It still boggles my mind. I've signed up for three races in the next few months though. So, a runner is now what I am. I no longer avoid mirrors like the plague. I stand in front of them and check myself out. I look good. My twentieth high school reunion is coming up this summer. I'm within 5 pounds of my high school weight and I know I have more muscle mass now than I did then. I'm going to wow them. However, the most significant and important thing about this journey is at when I wake up in the morning, I don't hurt.

The best part about DietBet is the unwavering support you get from others. There's never judgment for bad days or choices, just commiseration and encouragement to start the next day on a better path. Everyone celebrates victories, however small, scale or non-scale. Problems or issues are met with a wave of brainstorming. It's truly amazing. Whether you win your bet or not, you'll get your money's worth and so much more.

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