Patty's Story

Lost 28 lbs

Won $871

"The community of DietBetters is unlike any other!"

I was at my heaviest weight after giving birth to my daughter 10 years ago. By 2012 I had lost 100 pounds naturally because I wanted to feel better about myself. I had been suffering with chronic pain and IBS for 19 years. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2013 and started medications that had a slew of side effects. I lost my father January of 2014. He was only 50 and his death could have been prevented if he took his health seriously. It's been another motivator for me to live a healthy lifestyle. As hard as it has been, I'm trying to use it as a lesson. After frustration, I found myself back at 186 pounds in August of 2014. The medications were not working so I stopped taking them. With the help of DietBet, I'm down to 156 pounds…hoping to lose 16 more.

I joined DietBet because I needed peer motivation and a date goal. I felt stuck and needed the push. The community of DietBetters is unlike any other! DietBet holds me accountable. Knowing we're in it together pushes me along. We swap advice and encouragement. I'm not alone. We share similar goals. Sometimes if I feel like I have to report back to the group (which I know I'm not forced to), it keeps me in check. "Do I really want that ice cream? No, because I will have to tell everybody”

My struggle is different and harder than most as my pain is unpredictable. I have good days and bad days. It makes me push harder. I could easily give up due to my medical obstacles but I know I'm worth it so I trudge forward to create a healthier me. I want to feel better, look better, and fit into comfortable clothes I like. I work in a hospital and I feel I should portray an image of health and well being to be a role model for my patients. I have many patients, who say it's just too hard, but then I explain my story and they ask for advice. It's a nice feeling to receive praise for my hard work. I take care of a family and work full time, but I'm important too so I make the time to eat healthy and work out. I have control over my well-being. I use exercising as away to let out anger and stress.

Even if you don't win the money in the end and reach the "goal", you've probably learned information that was more valuable than money! You'll learn about diet, exercise and yourself! There are ups and downs to everything in life, you win some, and you lose some. Take any chance you can to learn about yourself.

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