Amy's Story

Lost 43 lbs

Won $730

"…what is more motivating to lose weight than friendly competition and money?"

I am a military veteran who proudly served her country for 13 years. I was deployed several times to Iraq and Afghanistan. I suffer from PTSD, anxiety and other injuries sustained during my time in the military. When I separated from the military, I was very stressed and gained a lot of weight. In the fall of 2013, I decided to take part in a one month DietBet. A friend of mine invited me to DietBet. Well, the rest is history because to date, I have lost almost 60 pounds. 

I have completed 3 DietBet contests and two of them were the 6-month DietBet’s. In the past, I had tried different crazy diets: shakes, Atkins, no carbs, but they all worked briefly but then I would gain my weight right back. DietBet worked for me because honestly, what is more motivating to lose weight than friendly competition and money? After my first 6 month DietBet, I won almost $400! I was ecstatic!! Plus, the support you receive from other contestants is invaluable. I believe the weekly weigh-ins and encouragement you receive from other contestants is my favorite part of the game. 

I am constantly sharing my DietBet posts on social media and the most important thing I tell folks who are considering taking part in DietBet is to remember it is their hard earned money, the weight loss is a very reasonable amount in a very reasonable amount of time, why not work hard to lose the weight and get paid for it? DietBet is by far the best "diet" program. There are no gimmicks, no fads, and no unrealistic weight loss goals. It’s just you and your money. You get out what you put into it. My second Transformer will end this week and I can honestly say, I am a winner!

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