Samantha's Story

Lost 73 lbs

Won $1,180

"I have gained happiness with myself."

I am a firm believer that if you aren’t happy you should change something. I have a job that I love and at which I am successful, I have a man whom I love and share a home, two adorable fur-babies, a wonderful group of friends, and a great family. The missing piece to my happiness was me. I just wasn't happy with what I saw in the mirror.

Due to my job, I travel about 75% of the time, which means I spend most of my time in hotels. Constantly eating in airports and at restaurants resulted in me gaining the 20 pounds I had lost prior to traveling. I wasn’t happy with my weight when I started traveling and the 20 extra pounds really got me down. I continued to struggle with my weight for a while longer, but it was taking its toll. Finally, I decided I really needed a change. I switched to a gym that has locations nationwide, which helped, and signed up to work out with a personal trainer weekly. Thanks to the accountability and advice my trainer has provided, along with the support I have received and the goals set forth on DietBet, I have lost the 20 pounds I gained – plus 40 more! Most importantly, I have gained happiness with myself.

A friend of mine invited me to join the DietBet she set up back in July to help her lose the last few pounds to hit her goal. Since I have a strong competitive spirit, I thought that this might be just what I needed to kick start my weight loss plan. I’ve been thanking her for the invite ever since!  

I think the reason that DietBet has worked for me is that it breaks down the goals into smaller pieces. Before I started using DietBet I thought that losing 40 pounds would be great, but since I didn’t have a time frame, it was easy to overindulge and tell myself I'd make up for it later. It seems much more attainable to lose 8 pounds each month. 2 pounds down with 38 to go seems daunting, but 2 pounds down and 6 to go is much more encouraging. After I won my first couple of DietBet 4s, I started to feel like maybe I could finally lose the weight, so I signed up for - and won big in - a DietBet 10.

I like the competition with myself, and the support of the community. When you’re going solo in the fight to lose weight, it’s easy to look around and see everyone else eating, being lazy, and still looking great and then get down on yourself. The DietBet community is so good about sharing the ups and the downs of weight loss. Even though it’s just online, it’s comforting to know that you’re not alone.

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