Elise's Story

Lost 31 lbs

Won $702

"DietBet worked for me because it held me accountable every single week"

I have been a yo-yo dieter since high school.  I used to be very athletic and play sports and I ate whatever I wanted. Once I went to college and stopped being as active I quickly put on weight.  I was very unhappy with myself so I started doing a bunch of different diets which would work, but only for a month or two until I slipped back into my old habits of eating back and not being active.


I decided to use DietBet when I saw that Chris and Heidi Powell were hosting a game.  I watched the show, Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition so I was familiar with the Powell family.  When I read more about DietBet and how it worked I was very intrigued by the concept and wanted to give it a try. I hate losing money and I love a good bet so I signed up for a one-month diet bet.  After the one-month was over, I was hooked. I signed up for a transformer and began losing weight at a steady yet healthy pace.


DietBet worked for me because it held me accountable every single week. Even if it was just a weekly weight in, I wanted to make sure I was keeping up with my goals.  I also like the fact that it forced me to take photos of myself (which I used to hate).  From the photos I could see my progress and became even more motivated to stick to my goals and win the DietBet.


Even if you start out small and want to play a game that is only $20 and 4 weeks long, you are still making a commitment for yourself and for your health.  DietBet has a great online support community and you get to potentially make money while losing weight.

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Lose 4% in 4 weeks.