Rachael's Story

Lost 96 lbs

Won $1,358

"I am proud to look at my profile and see my progress."

I work in a kitchen at a resort so I am on my feet all day. Working in a kitchen can also be a challenge as you have tasty things to munch on all day, which is why I think I got in the position, I am in now. I really wanted to start getting more healthy so I could do more activities that I love doing like walking and hiking. A trip to Hong Kong last summer was a really big eye opener of why I needed to change and get healthier. I made little changes every week since, DietBet being one of them. It ended up being one of my main motivations to keep going. I still have about 1/3 of my goal left to complete but I think I will be there soon.

I decided to try DietBet to keep myself accountable and give myself a little reward money for meeting my goals. DietBet worked for me because I hate losing money, and I normally don't bet on anything I won't win. My solution was not to miss my goals.

I enjoy keeping myself accountable. I also love seeing everyone else’s progress and struggles, I don't have anyone I personally know that is in the same position as me. It’s nice to know I am not alone. For anyone thinking of trying a game, start out with one of the smaller bets and see if it’s right for you. It is a lot more fun than I thought it would be and I am proud to look at my profile and see my progress. Sometimes I don't really see the difference in the mirror but flipping through my weigh in photos I can really see it, that’s why I have made them all public. 

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