Sue's Story

Lost 81 lbs

Won $1,439

"I love DietBet because it challenges you to lose and keep losing against yourself and not anyone else."

I had always had an issue with weight, but after my son was born and my mother passed away the pounds just kept adding up. I battled years of infertility. I would lose 30lbs have a round of IVF and gain it back plus more. This went on for a few years until I couldn't afford anymore IVF and they didn't work.  Since I couldn't do anymore IVF I could focus on just me losing weight. A friend recommended DietBet to me and I thought what the heck I had nothing to lose except pounds and money.  I started in April 2013 and I have continued until now. I have lost almost 80 pounds. I would recommend this to anyone. I love DietBet because it challenges you to lose and keep losing against yourself and not anyone else. I love the support that everyone gives you on the boards. 

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