Erinne's Story

Lost 36 lbs

Won $3,119

"I am constantly telling people how easy and fun DietBet is."

I was considered "obese" for most of my 20s.  A co-worker invited me to try DietBet with her the day I returned from a cruise with my family. I looked at pictures from that cruise and I was tired of the way I looked. I was also having trouble walking up two flights of stairs at school. I felt that DietBet had a great system where you bet against yourself in order to win money and "win" your health back. 

Teresa Marie Howe coached my first DietBet game. I honestly feel that if my game was not coached I would not have been so successful. Having someone posting tips, running contests, and encouraging participation really sparked something inside of me. I also do not like losing money over something that I have control over.  If I do not "win" then the only person at fault is myself. That drove me. 

I love the social aspect of DietBet. No one has ever judged me. Every single person on DietBet wants every single other person to win by losing weight. Even during my Transformer game, which did not have a coach, every participant was positive and encouraging. I also like the short-term commitment. I have just started another game (I put on a few pounds during study abroad) and need a bit of help to get it back off.

I am constantly telling people how easy and fun DietBet is. I always suggest joining a game with an active coach. I feel that a coach makes a huge difference. Plus, in my experience, I'm paying for motivation but DietBet has actually paid me. Since I have lost weight, I have not lost any money.

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