Lisa's Story

Lost 25 lbs

Won $500

"We now look forward to being active participants in life..."

I was approaching my 50th birthday and realized that if I didn’t finally get control of my weight and yoyo dieting I would be obese and unhappy for the rest of my life.

I decided to join a DietBet along with someone I follow on Facebook. I had already lost about 50 pounds using Shakeology and Beachbody products, and had 40 left to go. After that first DietBet Kickstarter game I was completely hooked!

There’s something to be said for having something to lose if you don’t meet your goals.  At this point I have organized a Kickstarter game and just finished a Transformer game.  I’ll be doing DietBet games until I reach my goal weight. 

I love the camaraderie and encouragement among the participants, and the tips you get from DietBet. I would totally encourage people to do it! You tend to put more value in something that you have paid for.  Proving to yourself that you can meet your goal and then get paid for it is a wonderful feeling.

After being on my journey for about nine months, my husband decided he also wanted to lose weight, and dropped 35 pounds. We now look forward to being active participants in life, instead of the observers that we were for so long. If you want to make a lasting change, you must make a lifestyle change and change your relationship with food—but it is never too late and you’re never too old. If I can lose 80 pounds at age 50, you CAN do this!

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Lose 4% in 4 weeks.