Lost 51 lbs
Won $178
"DietBet worked for me because I was committed and I hate to lose money on anything."
I am a mother of four children. I had been a stay at home mom when my children were young and a healthy weight most of the time. My second husband is retired Army who served the last six years of his service with Special Forces.
My weight gain started when my husband returned from Iraq. I went back to school to earn my bachelor’s degree. I turned to food because of the stress of assignment deadlines, desire for good grades and dealing with my husbands untreated PTSD. I was trying to be a good example to my kids and to keep my childhood promise to my parents that I would get my degree. My mother was my biggest supporter and believed I could do anything. She had more faith in me then I ever did. She was diagnosed with cancer and passed away just 9 days after being diagnosed, just a few weeks before my college graduation. I was devastated that she wouldn’t be there to watch me graduate. I focused on my studies and graduated with departmental honors. I had a necklace made that carried some of my mother’s ashes. I took Mom with me to my graduation. We walked across the stage and accepted my diploma.
I saw Chris Powell had announced a DietBet and I was attracted to it because I had seen his shows and I respected his knowledge. I needed support from people trying to lose weight. My family really didn’t care what I weighed. What I was doing was not working for me. I was older and the weight just wasn’t coming off like it used to.
Everyone who joins DietBet is trying to do the same thing, lose weight. DietBet worked for me because I was committed and I hate to lose money on anything. I was held responsible for my weight. I found that other people doing this experienced the same things I was going through like finding the time for exercise, and hitting a plateau. People were sharing their recipes and exercise plans, which are so helpful. I was able to share what worked for me. I also changed my diet. No processed foods and cut way back on the animal proteins. I am striving to become vegan. I loved the interaction with the host and other players. They were all so supportive and gave great advice. I would definitely recommend DietBet to anyone who wants to lose weight and have fun.