Karen's Story

Lost 63 lbs

Won $876

"The first DietBet got the wheel rolling and I've been working on it ever since."

I'm a busy wife and mother of two teenagers. My struggle with weight goes back to the birth of my second child, prior to that I was always slender. When I started my first DietBet I was at my heaviest weight ever of 191.4 at 5'1".  I had a dreadful year - I stopped working out, ate whatever I wanted (including my feelings), and gained almost 70 lbs.

The first DietBet got the wheel rolling and I've been working on it ever since. I'm down almost 60 pounds as of right now, hopefully by the end of this DietBet I'll be down a total of 65 pounds. I'm focusing myself on my fitness goals; I'm training with my best friend to run a half marathon distance in the spring. I've got lots of obstacle course races in the works for this year. It's not a DIET; it's a lifestyle. 

DietBet inspired me to get a group of friends together and do similar challenges through the past year and a half. My favorite things about DietBet are winning, the camaraderie and the pressure to succeed and maybe inspire others to try a little harder.

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