Lost 53 lbs
Won $1,074
"I’ve not only gained control over my emotional eating habits, I’ve successfully lost over 50 pounds and won money"
For as long as I can remember (even during my teenage years), I was always on some kind of diet to lose weight. You name it; I've tried it! They all worked temporarily, but I'd end up gaining all the weight back and then some.
I’m an emotional eater, and whenever I was troubled or stressed about something I'd eat.
Not just eat; I'd overeat, and that was a major problem for me. If I wanted it, I ate it until I was stuffed. My family and friends would always talk about how strong I am in handling situations, but what they didn't know was that I turned to food for comfort.
One day, I just got tired of being tired! I was tired of losing weight just to gain it all back! I knew something had to change, so I started searching the web looking for a diet program that really worked, and that’s how I found out about DietBet. I was intrigued by the fact that I could lose weight and win money while doing it! That was a good incentive to join because who wants to lose their hard-earned money?
Joining DietBet was the best decision I could have ever made! When I signed up I never thought I'd get the kind of emotional support & motivation that I've received from my fellow DietBetters. I’ve not only gained control over my emotional eating habits, I’ve successfully lost over 50 pounds and won money in the process.
I’ve developed great relationships with amazing people who I now call My DietBetter Family! We motivate, inspire, and empower each other to strive to achieve our weight loss goals, and we help keep each other accountable for our actions. When somebody's having a bad day, we lift him or her up, and when somebody's having a good day, we praise him or her! Having a great support system makes the difference between success and failure!