Lost 71 lbs
Won $1,352
"Why do I win every bet? Losing is not an option. I am betting against myself."
I am a 50 year old, single parent of a 16 year old. I have been fat my entire life, fattest kid in the 2nd Grade. As I approached my 49th birthday in January of 2013 I thought that if I ever wanted to be thin it was now or never. I felt like I had tried everything.
I learned about DietBetter through Chris Powell’s Facebook page. I am very focused on my next DietBetter goal of 177 by 06/24 and I have a personal goal of 172 by 07/04/14--that’s 100 lbs. I am counting the down 1 by 1 on my Facebook page. I like DietBetter because it gives you a final weigh in date and a number you must achieve by that day, unlike Weight Watchers, where you just weigh in weekly. Little goals are a great concept and are easier said than done. DietBetter does it for you automatically. I view a kickstarter as a sprint and a transformer as a marathon. Thus far I have been in one transformer, which ends in August, and numerous kickstarters. I have won every bet.
Why do I win every bet? Losing is not an option. I am betting against myself. It strikes me this is something completely within my control. My favorite things about DietBetter are the specific dates to reach goals by and the fact that small goals really add up. To anyone thinking about trying DietBetter you should do it!