Dawn's Story

Lost 74 lbs

Won $1,033

"DietBetter is a motivational tool that is too good to be believed."

In January, my husband and I started Medifast. It is so easy to want to cheat and get off track. Dietbetter was my conscience. I participated in official weekly weigh-ins to keep me on track as I worked towards manageable goals. I was able to track my progress visually and that kept me positive during this journey.

I particularly like the 10% games because they require a six-month commitment. The games have taught me to live and eat healthier. I feel so much younger today than I did 8 months and 65 pounds ago. I look forward to completing my journey with DietBetter as I lose another 30-35

If you need to lose weight and are starting a diet, then DietBetter is a no brainer. What’s better than being paid to do something that some people think of as painful? What’s better than having a community of people cheering you on to success or helping you on a day when you might falter? If you really want to lose weight, DietBet is a motivational tool that is too good to be believed.

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Lose 10% in 6 months.

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Lose 4% in 4 weeks.