Donna's Story

Lost 51 lbs

Won $3,973

"You've nothing to lose but the weight! Your reward is looking and feeling great, and cold, hard cash!"

I am a 52-year-old mother of three. My first DietBet was Jillian Michaels' game in September 2013. I was intrigued with the idea of betting on myself and loved how huge the pot grew!

I had been successful with Weight Watchers in the past but couldn't afford the cost any more and it stopped being motivational for me. DietBetter worked for me because I was accountable to me, myself, and I. I loved the social networking with people in the same boat. I learned some helpful hints and was able to provide some motivation and insight to others.

It was a great feeling to log on every day and read some of the same things people were saying that were also running through my mind, it was nice to know I was not alone. I was pumped to lose weight for my daughter's wedding and when The Transformer came along, I knew that was the ticket for me! Six months worth of motivation and being accountable to me really worked!!! I lost 30 pounds!

I like the weekly weigh-ins! I also enjoy the social networking; it really does empower me to make a better decision when I read the struggles of others.

If you are thinking of trying a DietBet definitely go for it! You've nothing to lose but the weight! Your reward is looking and feeling great, and cold, hard cash!

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