Sarah's Story

Lost 39 lbs

Won $1,896

"Dietbet is a great support group and motivator for weight loss, but watch out it’s addictive!"

My weight loss journey started 9 years ago I had just discovered that I suffer from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which among other health issues makes weight loss difficult. I was at my highest weight when a co-worker introduced me to the world of weight loss. During the early days of my journey I learned the importance of inspiration and support from friends and family. This is one of the reasons I love DietBet! The encouragement of friends and family allowed me to lose over 50lbs before graduating and meeting my husband. Through exercise and adjusting my diet I’ve been able to manage some of my PCOS symptoms. This past August I started a Doctorate program and decided that running and eating healthy would help me manage the extra stress. In November I joined my first DietBet as part of a wellness imitative for work and I’ve been hooked ever since. I’ve lost 66lbs since last June, 34lbs of that since November through DietBets! I decided to use DietBet for weight loss because there is community support and an incentive. I can talk with my DietBet group when I need diet and exercise advice or words of support. I also do better when there is challenge and the incentive makes me work harder to reach my goal. I need to be held accountable, and having money on the line does that for me. Even when it’s a small amount. It makes me think twice before slacking! It also a great excuse to get out of temptations. When others ask me to eat things I shouldn’t they don’t continue to pressure me when I tell them there’s money on the line. Dietbet is a great support group and motivator for weight loss, but watch out it’s addictive!

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