Lost 38 lbs
Won $1,666
"It’s a really great way to know others are in it with you."
My weight came on so quickly that all I wanted to do was get rid of it. I tried lots of quick fixes and gimmicky diets but just kept losing and gaining the same 10 pounds. I wanted it to be easy but it isn't. I had to eat less and move more. Period. It is hard and sometimes it can be really hard, but it is undeniably worth it. I played DIetBet with my coworkers and found it very motivating because I was accountable to other people that I saw every day. I did not want to lose in front of them. Having short term goals made the whole process of losing so much weight more manageable for me. After a few games it all added up.
The DietBets kept me on the right track during hard moments, and reinforced my smaller goals which kept me motivated. I used My Fitness Pal and a Body Media armband to help me win. It’s a really great way to know others are in it with you. Plus you get to buy something cute to wear with your winnings once you are done.