Marcie's Story

Lost 67 lbs

Won $2,973

"I am down to a weight I haven’t seen in almost 30 years."

I joined DietBet in the beginning of January in 2013, and I was skeptical at first, thinking that it might have been a scam and not worth the time or money. Boy was I wrong! I have lost 60 pounds since joining Dietbet and am down to a weight I haven’t seen in almost 30 years and certainly never thought I would ever see again. I enjoy the fact that I can do DietBet on her own time, while it appeals to my competitive nature it also it also has an outstanding community aspect. I have received great support and information from other players in the games. There is a group of us that have met on Dietbet and gone game to game together and are all achieving fabulous results! I am not only learning about fitness, but nutrition and food preparation which makes eating healthy interesting and doable for me. I have never felt as motivated as I do now with DietBet. To people thinking about trying DietBet try it and to be involved, read the board every day and post often with any questions, suggestions, or challenges. Sometimes just cheering others on and seeing them succeed can be very inspirational.

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