Colleen's Story

Lost 36 lbs

Won $343

"I never achieved the results I've seen this past year."

I am a mother of 2 great kids. I have never been overly athletic or particularly fit. 

 In October 2013 I was the heaviest I'd ever been. I was constantly tired and felt horrible about myself. I was mortified looking at pictures of me performing. My weight was affecting my confidence on stage and my playing suffered. 

 Just before New Years 2014 I stumbled across a Facebook post for Bikini Body Mommy. I started her program of 3 days a week body resistance and 3 days a week of HIIT. That program had a DietBet and I joined hoping it would keep me motivated. And boy did it ever! After that initial DietBet I continued with another one. I love the accountability of the DietBet. I am a list maker and journal tracker so a program that asks me to track my progress online was just what I needed to stay motivated.  

 In the past I had hired a personal trainer at the gym but I never achieved the results I've seen this past year.  I would tell anyone trying to stay on track with his or her weight loss to try a DietBet. I love the accountability and the weigh-ins, plus I've discovered that I'm a bit competitive and I can't stand the thought of not "winning" a round. 

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