Aimee's Story

Lost 62 lbs

Won $812

"It was a fun way to stay accountable"

I have always been a overweight to bordering on obese.  In high school and in my 20s I was always pretty active, but never really athletic.  I loved to hike, and enjoyed jogging and road races. 

 I started getting more serious about running just before I became pregnant with my first child.  After he was born, I ran few half marathons and tried to stay active, but as self-employed new mom, it was tough to find time for exercise and to maintain a healthy weight. 

 I started my second pregnancy 15 pounds heavier than my first! Once my daughter was about 6 months old, I decided it was time to focus.  I joined DietBet, picked up my running, and starting training for a triathlon.  I competed in three triathlons over the summer, finished two more half-marathons, and feel fitter and healthier than ever before. 

 I joined DietBet when a friend set up a Kickstarter bet.  I joined because I thought it would be fun motivation, and even if I lost I wouldn't be out too much.  I didn't win that first bet, but I had fun so I decided to try the Transformer and put a bit more at stake.

 It was a fun way to stay accountable and gave me a concrete goal to achieve.  Having a challenging but achievable goal with a specific deadline kept me motivated in a way that other weight loss programs haven't been able to.  The friendly competition also kept me motivated; getting your money back is a great incentive.  I liked that there was an app for my iPhone, so it made it really easy to check in regularly. 

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