Katy's Story

Lost 34 lbs

Won $8,927

"DietBet has changed my life"

I've had many changes in the past 2 years. I bought my first home and got married during my first year of medical school.  I gained 20 lbs. as a result of stress and not prioritizing my health. As a future doctor, I want to be an example of health for my patients, not a hypocrite. I wanted to lose the weight I gained, but also be a healthier version of myself physically, mentally, and spiritually. I am proud to say that I have achieved those goals!

 I didn't realize when I signed up for my first DietBet that it was going to change my life.  DietBet has changed my life, and the lives of some of my friends and family too! I saw someone using DietBet on Facebook, and I thought it sounded motivating. I love games and I'm very competitive.

 I found the community to be very supportive, understanding, and motivating.  When I didn't feel like exercising, I read blogs and posts and it motivated me to at least try.  It took time, but now I know that the changes I've made are long term.  I don't ban any foods that I want to eat; I just eat less of them.  I'm no longer worried about slipping up for a day or even a weekend, because I know that I am not going to give up on myself.  Now I have an inner confidence that I respect and trust myself enough to enjoy social occasions yet most times hold myself accountable for my health and well being. DietBet is great for motivation, accountability, and support, but only you can make the changes in your life to reach your goals.

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