Jillene's Story

Lost 24 lbs

Won $3,275

"DietBet worked for me because I love the competition."

I work full time and I am engaged, with a 5-year-old stepson. I live an active lifestyle, but despite this high activity level, I have had difficulty in the past with achieving and maintaining consistent weight loss. 

 I needed to find a way to renew my motivation for my weight loss goals, and DietBet sounded like a fun way to do it! I had tried calorie counting, and the occasional trend such as juice cleanses, but nothing worked long term.

 DietBet worked for me because I love the competition. It provides both support and accountability at the same time, making the concept very effective. I enjoyed the competition with myself; the promise of monetary reward with success; and the supportive atmosphere established with other people.

 If you enjoy competition with yourself, and are motivated by the chance of free money, you should definitely try DietBet. The experience is even better if you convince your friends or family to try it with you.

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