Rebecca's Story

Lost 49 lbs

Won $580

"The encouragement and accountability I get from the groups is priceless."

When I returned home for a year in November I gained 30 pounds. One of my sister’s friends told her about DietBet. It sounded like just the motivation I needed to get weight off.

 I have used both Weight Watchers "in person" and Weight Watchers on-line. It worked well for me when I lived in the US but it is hard to follow in West Africa when the foods are just not the same. I have also done the old stand-by of counting calories, which works, when you use it. The problem is, you don't use it, it doesn't work and it has been hard to keep up the motivation to do it day in and day out.

 Good goal setting requires goals that are attainable, measurable, and have a time limit. DietBet helps its players set good goals. It is also measurable. I can get on a scale and see my progress. The 6 months is the time limit. I also really like it because for the 6 month games you have monthly goals that help keep you on track but even if you don't make a monthly goal, as has been the case a few times for me, you can still keep going and try for the next month.

Besides the fact I've lost 42 lbs. so far with DietBet my favorite feature is the encouragement I receive both on the general boards but more specifically on the community boards that have been set up in the past few months. The encouragement and accountability I get from the groups is priceless.

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