Allison's Story

Lost 21 lbs

Won $263

"I was putting my money where my mouth is."

While in college I have managed to gain some pesky pounds because I am not as active as I was in high school. Over a year ago I decided to change that and started losing weight. Only a few months ago did I really make a lifestyle change to lead a fit and healthy life and I have never been happier.

 I decided to use DietBet for my weight loss when a YouTuber I follow, Scola Dondo, created a game and shared about DietBet on her channel. DietBet worked for me because I was competing against myself to better myself. I wasn't competing with other challengers; we were all in this together to have some fun while making our weight loss goals.

 What I liked best about the game was the fact I was putting my money where my mouth is. Since I was putting my money down to play I wanted to make sure I not only got my money back but also split the pot with the other winners.

 Hands down I would recommend anyone to use DietBet because you can't go wrong. If you have some weight to lose you risk very little by putting down money at the start. It's a fun way to do it because you aren't focusing only on the weight loss and you have a lot of support from everyone in your game.

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